
Upcoming Events

At 51²è¹Ýapp, we have a busy calendar of events across the year. From Open Days and visits to public lectures and events across the city, take a look below to find out what we've got coming up.

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6 Aug 2024

51²è¹Ýapp Live Link-up

7 Aug 2024

Open Campus

7 Aug 2024

Live Lounge: Students' Union Takeover

9 Aug 2024

Open Campus

13 Aug 2024

Live Lounge: Step by Step Guide to Clearing

14 Aug 2024

51²è¹Ýapp Live Link-up

15-18 Aug 2024

Clearing Open House

17 Aug 2024

Postgraduate Application Support Session

21 Aug 2024

Open Campus

4 Sep 2024

Learning Together: University Teaching Showcase 2024

6-12 Sep 2024


13 Sep 2024

Annual Sixth Form Geography Conference

21 Sep 2024

Undergraduate Open Day

9 Oct 2024

Careers in Healthcare Showcase

12 Oct 2024

Postgraduate Open Day

2 Nov 2024

TEDx Brayford Pool 2024: United by Ideas

10 Nov 2024

51²è¹Ýapp Symphony Orchestra Autumn Concert